понедельник, 23 мая 2011 г.

Teachers Today

A teacher refers to a person responsible in imparting lessons, guiding, instructing and training a person or group of students in a particular academic knowledge or skill. Being a teacher is a professional occupation usually employed in formal schools and institutions. Some colleges and universities require teachers who have professional qualification.

For informal learning such as for purpose of home tutor or for special skills, the teacher is called a tutor. This profession may also require credentials. There are also teachers for religious purposes which include lamas, rabbis, gurus and mullahs. Their roles are differing depending on the culture and country. Teachers have specific specializations. They could be more inclined towards academic subjects like math, science or language. Or they could be more into arts and crafts, vocational training or other specific subjects.
School teachers use lesson plans that they follow for a certain time frame, say a month or a whole year. These lesson plans must be in accordance with the school's standard curriculum. Teachers use this as a guide to make sure that the students are able to learn the subject matter in an organized manner.
There are different methodologies in teaching. As a procedure, teachers will decide their methods of teaching based on the level of understanding of their student, the school environment and the available resources in the school.
Aside from teaching students in classroom environments, these mentors have other duties associated with the activities in the school. They are responsible in assisting their students during field trip, outreach programs and other outdoor activities. Teachers are also tasked to organize and manage extracurricular activities such as sports fest, festivals, school programs and seminars. It also involves imposing disciplinary measures for students when it is called for. It is in line with the belief that misbehaviors should not be tolerated.
Public and private schools are committed in nurturing the skills and knowledge of their school teachers. Educational institutions provide continuous training and development programs for teachers. They undergo series of trainings in order to update their knowledge and become efficient in teaching their students. They are also updated on the latest methods of teaching, if ever. In addition, the government established several institutions to provide certification and enforce specific standards for professional teachers. This aims to protect the interest of students and parents.
Sometimes, teachers are given the responsibility to purchase all the needed teacher supplies necessary for students and teachers. This is a challenging task which requires some decision making. When purchasing teacher supplies, you can have good ideas by visiting some of the teacher supply stores available near the area and ask information on the best supplies available.
Supplies do not only refer to items such as papers and pencils. Teachers and students need items to be decorated on the school's bulletin board. Teachers need items wherein they can organize all their essentials for teaching. Materials for making visual aids are also an important purchase which includes colored paper, coloring pens, scissors, paste, glue and many other materials.
Teaching is a difficult job. It requires utter dedication and selflessness to be able to impart your learning to the students. It not only deals with academic knowledge alone. Being very knowledgeable will not immediately qualify as a good teacher. What is more important is the attitude and the skill of being able to transfer the lessons effectively to the students. It is a gift.
A teacher will be dealing with many students of different personalities. Some will be like a sponge who grasps the main ideas very easily. Other students will require more patience as they would find it more difficult to understand the subject matter. As a teacher, it is his role to take care of all of these students, making sure no one is left behind.

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